Register for Goal Setting Workshops on 9/12, 10/3 and 11/7
Positive Intelligence
Mental Fitness Course
Are you ready to transform your life and your relationships?
You are most likely here today because you have found your life's calling. You are doing the work you love yet still you have self-doubts, or you recognize that you sometimes get in your own way.
Do you ever have these thoughts?
I wish I hadn’t said that.
I am not sure if I am good enough.
I just don't have enough time.
If it is going to be done right, I need to do it myself!
Do you wish you could let go of the negative thoughts?
What if we could reprogram years of self-sabotage, negativity, and limiting thoughts and instead
positively impact our ROI? What if we train our brains and become more positive, resilient, less
stressed, and even happier human beings? Do you want to create a life where you enjoy better
careers, relationships, and lifestyles? You can—and it isn’t that hard, but it does take work.
Join me and other women business owners and leaders for my fall Mental Fitness class on Positive Intelligence (PQ®) . Class starts Monday, September 16 with two options, either 12 pm or 4 pm.
Or opt for the 2025 year of growth program starting in January, 2025.
My program offers the following:​
Online, group program
6 weeks of intensive training to grow your mental muscles
Weekly meetings, support emails
Access to an app with guided practice to help you build your "mental muscles."
Daily exercises are short and easy to do, 2-3 minutes each.
Weekly one-hour videos that are broken into short segments, 3-15 minutes each for easier
Total time is equal to 15 minutes per day, a one-hour weekend video, and a pod meeting
each week, up to 60 minutes.
Best-selling audiobook, Positive Intelligence
Depending on which program you choose, you will receive 3-12 additional months of PQ Grow - where you can continue to build your daily practice, take online learning as needed, and either monthly meetings in a group or a 20-minute monthly laser coaching session to keep you on track.